WHO Poll

Cassettari’s Cafe 12:55 Sun Jun 28
Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Hello all.

After many many years of looking but not touching the WHO site, all things West Ham are currently so monumentally, gargantuanly, earth shatteringly shit that I have bitten the bullet and actually bothered to get a login. The reason why, and I am now putting my crash helmet on, is that on Friday I actually heard some good news.

The current era should be coming to an end soon as it seems that there is a sale in the pipeline. Two competing bids, one Middle East one US. The price for the club has more or less been struck. I was told by someone actually at the table “If it doesn’t happen this summer I’ll be fucking amazed” one bid even wants to keep the Olympic Stadium for music, NFL, MLB etc and build a bespoke stadium for football still in Newham. Now, the current openers have been known to alter goalposts but the signs are v v promising. Even relegation would not scupper the interest although the price would reduce slightly and that may not play out well with the current buffoons.

I thought long and hard before joining/posting, happy to take a bit of shit but I promise you the talks are genuine. I have no skin in this game.

As far as I’m concerned I grew up In the 70s and 80s loving West Ham, couldn’t actually have lived closer to the ground, lived for football, played it or watched it non stop but sadly find myself estranged from the game now. Only been to the Olympic Stadium once, it’s just not for me. Im just too nostalgic for freezing nights in midwinter somewhere in the Chicken Run or South Bank, the smell of cigarette smoke, stale beer and fried onions and the sound of thousands of us that were together, the peanut seller and occasionally the poor fuckers that didn’t support us, in short the sort of atmosphere that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. We didn’t follow West Ham for glory, we knew whoever owned us would take the piss but this lot are different, venal, dishonest and insidious. I’m hoping their going could spark a reawakening for me. I’ll take my kids to West Ham as my grandad did for me. When I do that however Id just prefer it well run and managed with players that give a shit and would run through brick walls for the cause. We could make our home a cauldron again as it was once. Wouldn’t that be nice.

Anyway, I probably won’t post often, I Just wanted to share a little light at the end of the tunnel. Nice to meet you all virtually, even you Hairy (see, I told you I’ve been a long time watcher)...


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

one iron 9:10 Sat Jul 4
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?

goose 7:31 Fri Jul 3
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
That’s the end of that then.

the exile 7:16 Fri Jul 3
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Thanks Wendel. CC - you want to come back on that?

Mr Wendel 6:26 Fri Jul 3
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
This is not true.
At all.

Mr. Burns 4:16 Fri Jul 3
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
People text him calling him Ex? What a complete oddball.

PeterJ 4:05 Fri Jul 3
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Looks like the Tripp Smith rumour is true according to Ex...

“Tripp is obviously one of the shareholders. He has basically looked to form a consortium. The people who I speak to, a number of very very well placed people who are close to Tripp tell me that there is truth in this. And I often get messages saying ‘I’m telling you there is truth in this Ex’. And they have often got things right in the past for me not to doubt them.”


Lato 6:07 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
As much as I would love this to be true, I just can't see it happening. The three stooges would be in no hurry to sell in the current climate. More to the point you would have to be a few sandwiches short of a picnic to buy West Ham United London in its current state, no home, a motley crew of players (barring a few) who do not want to be there, a Manager that makes BFS look charismatic, etc.

Its going to take a lot of Camels or pound notes to turn around this sinking ship!

RM10 4:54 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
See it from another angle, I like my job the managements shit, I like West Ham the management is shit, I still go to both because I still enjoy going.

PeterJ 2:58 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
By stopping going to West Ham you are stopping put money into the club in the hope that it would force change (I know we don’t have the numbers but that is the theory). Not going to work means YOU don’t get paid and affects your lifestyle. Completely different scenarios.

RM10 1:57 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
I can’t stop going because of them muppets, like I go to work being managed by another set of muppets, who is to say the next lot are also going to be! Where does it stop, brown and cearns were also shit, wolves and Leicester have got it right at the moment we go in hope..

PeterJ 1:14 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Johnson (it’s going to kill me this) but RM just completely backs up your point - Don’t use GSB as an excuse!!! FFS It’s exactly the reason why I and many others gave up our season tickets!

Johnson 12:20 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
CW - Unfortunately I think there is a growing majority who either will put up with the stadium through admirable loyalty and would refuse to countenance "abandoning" the club - I know fucking loads like that - or new West Ham LONDON fans who love it.

Plus BERKS like 97mde who think it's the best stadium ever.

Chinkey Weasel 12:17 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
RM10 12:02 Tue Jun 30

Because I can't be bothered? You haven't got a clue.

35 years I've been going. 21 years as a season ticket holder up until this season. The shocking reality is the fact it hasn't bothered me one bit apart from the Black Lion pre & post match with my mates. Had so many years of enjoyment but now, like many others, it's fucked over there thanks to those greedy wankers.

GSB & the ground ARE EXCACTLY the reasons for not going.

Yes we are stuck with the athletics stadium. It's certainly not for me giving them £900 a season watching some of the best supporters in the land being openly fleeced.

RM10 12:02 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Get real, nothing is going to change with the ground, just go,have a drink and a laugh, celebrate the good games don’t use the ground or GSB as an excuse because you cant be bothered going anymore. I would rather have stayed at UP but we ain’t so get on with it.

Sven Roeder 11:42 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
The only possible change to the stadium is if new owners negotiate to take ownership so that the taxpayer doesn’t continue to pay out as the UK goes into recession/depression.
There could be some changes once the track is ripped out ... not enough to make it a proper stadium ... unless those changes allow standing next to the pitch.
You’d have to work out the angles but maybe ripping out the first 5 or 10 rows could create a standing area at pitch level that seated fans could see over.

Chinkey Weasel 11:34 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Johnson 10:48 Tue Jun 30

"The fans can drive a business case by stopping buying STs until it's changed. They won't in sufficient numbers so it won't."

In a nutshell but so many people don't get that or are just blindly happy to keep giving their money to something that is never going to change, all the time people keep renewing so fuck all is going to happen change wise.

Johnson 10:48 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
There is absolutely no business case to change the stadium in any way shape or form at the moment.

The fans can drive a business case by stopping buying STs until it's changed. They won't in sufficient numbers so it won't.

No one is going to buy us and move us to a new ground. Not now.

On The Ball 10:42 Tue Jun 30
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
geoff - definitely the latter. The lease is to play 19 (or whatever) football matches there. The stadium OWNER hosts concerts etc, so this rubbish immediately falls down there. There is no-one on the planet that would buy the Club, then buy the stadium, then build another one elsewhere so that the OS can be used a handful of times a year for concerts and baseball.

This post has been a success though - people have tweeted it, Vital Football and other nonsense sites have shared it as if it's a possibility - it's got the traction that he wanted.

geoffpikey 9:00 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Not much to add to this fantasy at the moment.

Except: any investor pondering keeping the OS for live music, NFL and NBA (all involving mass crowds and lots of overseas travel) in the current Covid world must be nuts. Or imaginary.

Texas Iron 8:40 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Man U haven't done too badly...

Just need proven successful sports franchise experience...Cash...long term investment ...get a world class currently proven manager...

Everything we don't have...for lsdt 10 years...

daveyg 8:31 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Can you explain to ClaretnHugh why the owners are liars and shit. He seems to think they are Diamond.

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